Fantastic Fruits of Southeast Asia: A Picture Guide for Travelers

Mangosteen and rambutan fruit Thailand

One of the most fun and interesting things about traveling is trying all of the local food. Even if some items are available at local Asian food stores, the freshness and taste is incomparable to actually experiencing those fruits and vegetables in the country of origination.  There are also many different varieties of the same fruit. As an example, the …

Israeli Eye Candy: Traditional Cuisine & Lessons From a Local Chef

Vegan Shakshuka

Tel Aviv and Israel in general are known for their cuisine. People crave it, others rave about it, and I can now understand why. One of the most common dishes to start the day is shakshuka (pronounced shackshookah). This breakfast dish is a combination of tomatoes and spices, simmered into a stew, served with fried eggs cooked right into the …

I left him in Tanzania: How Anthony Bourdain Destroyed My Relationship

I’m not implying that Mr. Bourdain ended any personal relations, rather the exposure to his show Parts Unknown brought about a sort of enlightenment on what everyday life could become if present circumstances remained. The following is not a tale of any direct actions of Mr. Bourdain, but rather his influence, inspiration, and inadvertent ability to surface enlightenment on desires …